  • 我的观影记录

  Richard Sarafian is a decidedly underrated director. After finally seeing this, it's satisfying to report his VANISHING POINT was not a flash-in-the-pan. FRAGMENT...does not move at the same pace, nor does it get the viewer involved quite as quickly, but once you're about twenty minutes in, you're hooked until the end as Sarafian and screenwriter Dehn continually manipulate reality and our perceptions of it, along with lead character David Hemmings' perceptions of it. Really brilliant in the way it portrays a matter-of-fact unfolding of events that seem like a conventional, yet still insidious conspired-murder-by-blackmail-ring plot. But then we're constantly shown by the dialogue and actions of other characters that these events we've just witnessed may never have occurred. As an audience, we're constantly being shifted back and forth, momentarily convinced that recovering-addict-turned-successful-writer Hemmings is undergoing paranoid delusions, then the next moment convinced there really is a vast conspiracy against him and his investigation into his rich aunt's death. Disturbing and constantly involving, sucking the viewer in until the shocking conclusion. Unfortunately, the film's one real liability, which may in fact be the reason for some viewers' antipathy toward this film, is its totally inappropriate music score. Not only is the score mixed too loud on the soundtrack, it repeatedly draws attention to itself, often diffusing the effects Sarafian is trying to achieve. If only they had gotten someone like John Dankworth who could have composed a similar jazzy score but much more subtly and in keeping with the film's rhythms. Of course, even better would have been Ennio Morricone, someone who had already scored many Italian giallo thrillers that had attempted to play with reality in a similar way. Whomever hired Johnny Harris made a big mistake. His score is the one thing that keeps this from being a genuine little masterpiece.   imdb comment   译文(3): 理查德·萨拉菲安是一位被低估的导演。终于看到这一点后,我很高兴地告诉大家,他的“瓦尼什点”并不是昙花一现。碎片。。。它不会以相同的速度移动,也不会让观众很快地参与进来,但当你进入大约20分钟时,你会被吸引到最后,因为萨拉菲安和编剧德恩不断操纵现实和我们对现实的看法,以及主角大卫·赫明斯对现实的感觉。这部电影描绘了一个看似常规但仍然阴险的阴谋谋杀勒索团伙的事件的真实展开,这真的很精彩。但是,我们不断被其他角色的对话和行动所展示,而我们刚刚目睹的这些事件可能从未发生过。作为一名观众,我们不断地被来回转移,一时间确信,康复的瘾君子变成了成功的作家赫明斯正在经历偏执妄想症,然后下一刻又确信,对他和他对富婆之死的调查真的存在着巨大的阴谋。令人不安并不断参与,吸引观众直到令人震惊的结论。不幸的是,这部电影的一个真正的责任,实际上可能是一些观众对这部电影反感的原因,那就是它完全不合适的配乐。配乐中的配乐不仅过于响亮,而且反复引起人们的注意,常常会分散萨拉菲安试图达到的效果。如果他们能找到像约翰·丹克沃斯这样的人,他可以创作出类似的爵士乐配乐,但要巧妙得多,而且要符合电影的节奏。当然,埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone)会更好,他已经为许多意大利giallo惊悚片配乐,并试图以类似的方式处理现实。雇佣约翰尼·哈里斯的人犯了一个大错。他的分数是使这部电影无法成为真正的小杰作的唯一原因。


2024-05-31 14:17:10,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片时长:94 分钟


◎影片编剧:John 保罗·戴恩 

◎影片主演:德里克·纽瓦克 安杰洛·伊凡蒂 盖尔·亨尼卡特 Edward 尤塔·乔伊丝 丹尼尔·梅西 扎克·默凯 莫娜·沃什伯恩 玛丽·温布什 菲利普·斯通 维尔弗雷德·海德-怀特 帕特里夏·海斯 杰西卡·杜布林 马西莫·萨尔基耶利 阿道弗·切利 裴特拉·马克汉姆 戴维·海明斯 亚瑟·罗维 Bernard 希尔达·巴里 罗兰·卡尔弗 肯内斯·库兰汉姆 格林·爱德华兹 弗劳拉·罗博森 保罗·戴恩 奥斯瓦尔德·莫里斯 Malcolm Ray 菲利斯·达尔顿 William 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:17:10


  Richard Sarafian is a decidedly underrated director. After finally seeing this, it's satisfying to report his VANISHING POINT was not a flash-in-the-pan. FRAGMENT...does not move at the same pace, nor does it get the viewer involved quite as quickly, but once you're about twenty minutes in, you're hooked until the end as Sarafian and screenwriter Dehn continually manipulate reality and our perceptions of it, along with lead character David Hemmings' perceptions of it. Really brilliant in the way it portrays a matter-of-fact unfolding of events that seem like a conventional, yet still insidious conspired-murder-by-blackmail-ring plot. But then we're constantly shown by the dialogue and actions of other characters that these events we've just witnessed may never have occurred. As an audience, we're constantly being shifted back and forth, momentarily convinced that recovering-addict-turned-successful-writer Hemmings is undergoing paranoid delusions, then the next moment convinced there really is a vast conspiracy against him and his investigation into his rich aunt's death. Disturbing and constantly involving, sucking the viewer in until the shocking conclusion. Unfortunately, the film's one real liability, which may in fact be the reason for some viewers' antipathy toward this film, is its totally inappropriate music score. Not only is the score mixed too loud on the soundtrack, it repeatedly draws attention to itself, often diffusing the effects Sarafian is trying to achieve. If only they had gotten someone like John Dankworth who could have composed a similar jazzy score but much more subtly and in keeping with the film's rhythms. Of course, even better would have been Ennio Morricone, someone who had already scored many Italian giallo thrillers that had attempted to play with reality in a similar way. Whomever hired Johnny Harris made a big mistake. His score is the one thing that keeps this from being a genuine little masterpiece.

  imdb comment

  译文(3): 理查德·萨拉菲安是一位被低估的导演。终于看到这一点后,我很高兴地告诉大家,他的“瓦尼什点”并不是昙花一现。碎片。。。它不会以相同的速度移动,也不会让观众很快地参与进来,但当你进入大约20分钟时,你会被吸引到最后,因为萨拉菲安和编剧德恩不断操纵现实和我们对现实的看法,以及主角大卫·赫明斯对现实的感觉。这部电影描绘了一个看似常规但仍然阴险的阴谋谋杀勒索团伙的事件的真实展开,这真的很精彩。但是,我们不断被其他角色的对话和行动所展示,而我们刚刚目睹的这些事件可能从未发生过。作为一名观众,我们不断地被来回转移,一时间确信,康复的瘾君子变成了成功的作家赫明斯正在经历偏执妄想症,然后下一刻又确信,对他和他对富婆之死的调查真的存在着巨大的阴谋。令人不安并不断参与,吸引观众直到令人震惊的结论。不幸的是,这部电影的一个真正的责任,实际上可能是一些观众对这部电影反感的原因,那就是它完全不合适的配乐。配乐中的配乐不仅过于响亮,而且反复引起人们的注意,常常会分散萨拉菲安试图达到的效果。如果他们能找到像约翰·丹克沃斯这样的人,他可以创作出类似的爵士乐配乐,但要巧妙得多,而且要符合电影的节奏。当然,埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone)会更好,他已经为许多意大利giallo惊悚片配乐,并试图以类似的方式处理现实。雇佣约翰尼·哈里斯的人犯了一个大错。他的分数是使这部电影无法成为真正的小杰作的唯一原因。


  {美剧天堂为您整理了电影《罪恶城》的相关资讯,《罪恶城》于英国上映,是一部由导演理查德·C·萨拉菲安 导演执导,John 保罗·戴恩 担任编剧,德里克·纽瓦克 安杰洛·伊凡蒂 盖尔·亨尼卡特 Edward 尤塔·乔伊丝 丹尼尔·梅西 扎克·默凯 莫娜·沃什伯恩  等演员精彩演绎的英国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上美剧天堂(www.sanqi100.com),本网站同时也提供《罪恶城》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


